Version History
Version History
Version 202509
EMM Management Console:
- [NEW] Extended Group Profile reporting with a list of affected groups
- [NEW] Added option to show passwords to some password fields
- [NEW] Reporting is more clearly indicating if a report is currently being generated
- [NEW] While a new Report is being generated the latest report can still be accessed
- [NEW] GPS View on Group Level can now show the latest location of all devices at once
- [NEW] The Notification Icon in the console is now actively glowing to draw attention. Warnings and errors in the Notification Center should not be ignored
- [FIX] Devices marked as non-compliant could not always be marked as compliant and stayed non-compliant forever
- [FIX] Super Root Users were not able to select roles for the role filter if they did not have the roles themself
- [FIX] Changes to how umlauts are allowed to be used in mail addresses of users to comply with common standards
- [FIX] Some lists in the console were not correctly sorted
- [FIX] Some specific actions were not properly displayed in the Audit Log
- [FIX] Some values were shown in the PDF profile summary which should have not been included
- [FIX] Hidden values from profiles are now properly hidden in the Audit Log
- [FIX] In some cases certain commands (mainly “send message”) to cause the status indicator in the top of the console to be stuck
- [FIX] Various Improvements and Fixes
- [NEW] Added Security Patch Level, Kernel and Build Number to the Asset Management
- [FIX] In some cases the list of Android Zero Touch devices could have not been imported
- [FIX] Screen Layout is now correctly overriden by Kiosk Mode settings
- [FIX] Samsung Mail was not properly working with the Universal Gateway
- [FIX] Icons of InHouse Apps in Screen Layout were not properly shown
- [NEW] Added new field for scep configuration (Principal Name)
- [FIX] 2 System App restrictions were not properly working
- [NEW] Improvements to silent Bitlocker Encryption and the transparency of the required settings
- [FIX] Apps could not be searched and imported via winget
Version 202441
EMM Management Console:
- [NEW] The console is now also available in arabic and traditional chinese. Also all translations have been updated
- [NEW] You will now need to verify your e-mail address when changing the e-mail address
- [NEW] In multiple parts of the system where you can upload certificate, any unnecessary data will be removed from the file to prevent problems
- [NEW] Mail verification is now displayed in the edit user dialogue
- [NEW] New actions for compliance & escalation have been added
- [NEW] Audit log of users and groups now contain information about child items
- [NEW] Added a button next to password fields to show the password
- [FIX] To enable 2FA, mail verification was required. This did not work as intended in some cases
- [FIX] In some app reports the selected operating system was not respected correctly
- [NEW] The tabs for the AppTec Launcher and the AppTec settings are now hidden by default. These can be shown again via General Settings -> Android Configuration if you want to use them as a standalone feature. The functions that were previously found there are now part of the Kiosk mode settings so that these settings are not spread over 3 tabs but are combined in one place
- [NEW] Samsung Mail has been added to the PIM Management. This replaces the old functionality that relied on an old API. The new method in PIM Management offers more options and also allows you to configure Samsung Mail with the Universal Gateway, even when using a Container
- [NEW] Some settings regarding white- and blacklist that were previously found in General Settings -> Android Configuration are now moved into profiles
- [NEW] Screen Layout has been added to app management. Screen Layout is now also an option to define kiosk apps in the multi app kiosk mode
- [NEW] In some cases there might be errors returned by the Play Store when trying to install an app via Android Enterprise (e.g. App ist not compatible). These errors are now properly shown in the device log in the console.
- [FIX] Some settings of the kiosk mode were accidently hidden under certain circumstances
- [NEW] Client certificates for IKEv2 VPN connections via Universal Gateway are now renewed automatically
- [NEW] The serial number of the APNS certificate is now shown in General Settings -> Apple Configuration
- [NEW] The workflow for adding a DEP token has been improved to directly let you create a DEP profile since its necessary. Also the first created DEP profile will be set as Auto Profile automatically
- [NEW] Some notifications regarding DEP has been added
- [NEW] Added support for account based user enrollment. This is required for iOS 18+ and is supported since iOS 15. This replaces the old user enrollment
Version 202420
EMM Management Console:
- [NEW] Geofencing has been added in a lite version to Compliance & Escalation. The next update will introduce new actions such as wipe and similar.
- [FIX] Fixed some rare issues when using CSV User import.
- [FIX] Fixed some cases where devices were not marked as orphaned even though they should have.
- [NEW] Added Softwipe functionality as a command to the wheel menu. This removes everything from the device that came via MDM. Note: This requires a new client version (20241910) on the devices to work. This version is currently being rolled out.
- [FIX] Early Access apps were not displayed correctly and therefore could not be assigned as mandatory apps.
- [FIX] Fixes some issues when using B2B Apps with VPP.
- [FIX] Changed the check for SHA Fingerprint in SCEP configuration to allow different hash types.
- [NEW] Added an option to configure a passcode for the firmware (Bios).
- [NEW] Windows Update Management has been added.
- [NEW] Support for IKEv2 VPN Connections for Universal Gateway has been added.
Version 202406
EMM Management Console:
- [FIX] Mails regarding orphaned devices were not sent correctly.
- [NEW] Recovery Key Rotation for FileVault.
- [NEW] Added OU and User based matching for Pool Enrollment.
Version 202405
EMM Management Console:
- [NEW] Added the following languages to the console: Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Greek, Estonian, Finnish, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Lithuanian, Latvian, Norwegian (Bokmål), Dutch, Polish, Portuguese (Brazilian), Portuguese (Other), Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Swedish, Ukrainian, Chinese (simplified)
- [NEW] Revamped the GPS password reset feature. You can now get a code from support that will allow you to reset the GPS password.
- [NEW] A new system has been added to catch devices that should have the MDM removed but still contact the MDM. These will be moved to a seperate folder to prevent them from receiving any login information or other sensitive data. You can either fully remove them, send another wipe command, get logs or move them back to a group if that state was unintended.
- [NEW] Added an option to receive Android debug logs from the device.
- [NEW] Added URL mode to Digital Signage.
- [NEW] Added OAuth options for Outlook.
- [NEW] Pool Enrollment has been added to General Settings.
- [NEW] Windows Update Status has been added.
Version 202344
EMM Management Console:
- [NEW] Adding the following languages to the console: British English, US English, Spanish, French, Turkish
- [FIX] In certain cases, user sync with Apple School Manager did not work
- [FIX] Migration from Legacy Android profiles to Android Enterprise profiles did not work properly
- [NEW] Add restrictions on system and kernel extensions
Version 202339
EMM Management Console:
- [NEW] Compliance and Escalation has been added to General Settings
- [FIX] In certain cases certain special characters could cause problems in LDAP Syncs
- [FIX] Restoring devices from recycle bin that were assigned to a group instead of a user sometimes did not work properly
- [FIX] Placeholders will now correctly be replaced if a device is moved, edited or if a user is edited
- [FIX] Multiple problems with the AzureAD connection have been fixed
- [NEW] Proxy Configuration for Wi-Fi Networks has been added
- [NEW] The language of the android client can now be defined in the profile in General -> Device Settings. If nothing is set, the client will use the system language of the device
- [NEW] Support for COPE via Knox Enrollment and Zerotouch
- [NEW] Added an option to configure a User Certificate for EAP TLS Wi-Fi Networks
- [NEW] Added customizable message for certain cases to General Settings -> Android Configuration
- [NEW] Added Delegated Scope Management to give other apps higher privileges
- [NEW] Added support for connected app functionality for Container device that allows certain apps to share data between work profile and private profile of a device if the app is installed in both
- [NEW] Added Digital Signage to Kiosk Mode Settings
- [NEW] Apps can now be sorted in every app picker by their approval date.
- [NEW] Added restriction setting for USB Restricted Mode
- [NEW] Added restrictions for removable storages and printer access
- [NEW] Enrollment of Windows Home Version is now prevented. Windows Home is not supposed to be used for company use and does not support MDM APIs
- [FIX] Fixed multiple issues with Kiosk Mode
- [NEW] Added FileVault settings
Version 202325
Universal Gateway Update 20232701:
Go to General Settings -> Universal Gateway to install the update
- [FIX] In some cases the manual approval would be automtically approved
- [FIX] In some cases switching from Keytab to Username and Password caused issues where the keytab was still processed
- [FIX] Auto Sync intervall was not accurate
EMM Management Console:
- [NEW] Increased SSL security. Android 4.3 and lower will no longer be able to connect to the MDM due to this change
- [NEW] Added REST API for APNS Certificate Expiration (v2/checkapnsexpiration)
- [NEW] Added Win32 Apps to the reporting
- [NEW] Added a Notification if licenses are close to being fully exhausted. This has to be enabled in the console settings first
- [NEW] You can now change the password by clicking on your username/mail in the top right
- [NEW] Support for EWP via Knox Enrollment. You can now find new JSON Data for EWP Enrollment in the console
- [NEW] Adjusted the width of some text fields for the configuration of the Secure Browser
- [NEW] Added an App Picker to the selection of Allowed Packages in the Kisok Modes Configuration
- [NEW] Added WinGet Support to the InHouse App DB
- [NEW] Added settings for desktop personalisation (e.g. wallpaper)
- [NEW] Custom Config, which allows you to upload your own mobileconfig, is now available
- [NEW] Added WebClip Functionality
- [NEW] Added Privacy Preferences
- [NEW] Added System Extensions Configuration
- [NEW] Added Kernel Extensions Configuration
- [NEW] Added Proxy Configuration
- [NEW] Added Energysaving Options
- [NEW] Added Configuration of the Login Screen
- [NEW] Added Account Configuration for the following Account Types: LDAP, Exchange, Email, Calendar, Contact
- [NEW] Added Option to install fonts
- [NEW] Added Time Server Configuration
- [NEW] Added Printer Configuration
- [NEW] Added Backup Server Configuration
- [NEW] Added Restrictions for Device Policies
Version 202311
EMM Management Console:
- [NEW] Added a small icon next to devices and groups which have a profile that is saved but not (yet) assigned
- [NEW] You can now directly start a bugreport for a specific device by right-clicking it and selecting “Report Problem”. This will automatically try to fetch device logs and attach as much info as possible to the bugreport automatically
- [NEW] Extended the REST API with “v2/device/lock”, “v2/device/move” and “v2/addsiminfo”
- [FIX] In certain cases the recycle bin did not list every device
- [NEW] MacOS profiles are now split into device and user channel as it is expected by the OS. This should also resolve some issues with very specific configurations in the MacOS profile
Version 202306
EMM Management Console:
- [NEW] LDAP Configuration now offers a Browser to easily select the Base DN for the Sync
- [NEW] Everything related to Windows Mobile has been disabled due to being out of Support since a long time now
- [NEW] Added an Option the change the OTP Code for the login to the Console
- [NEW] Universal Gateway VPN now supports IKEv2
- [FIX] Fixed multiple issues with manual approval of unmanaged devices for the Universal Gateway
- [FIX] Under certain circumstances KeyTab File could not be configured properly for the Univseral Gateway
- [FIX] Recycle bin sorting was not correct if it contained a big amount of devices
- [NEW] Option to disallow Screen Capture for Android Enterprise Work Profiles
- [NEW] “Enforce Verify Apps” has been added to AE Container
- [NEW] APN Configuration for fully managed AE devices has been added
- [NEW] Wi-Fi Network can now be included in the enrollment QR Code
- [NEW] Added Software Build Number to Asset Data
- [NEW] SCEP for Android
- [NEW] An Option to test the SCEP Configuration has been added
- [NEW] The message that appears on the device, when trying to do something that has been blocked via restrictions, can now be modified
- [NEW] New Enterprise App Store
- [NEW] Sorting Option has been added for the Homescreen Icons in Multi App Kiosk Mode
- [NEW] “App Control” can now be allowed/disallowed for EWP devices
- [NEW] WireGuard VPN has been added
- [NEW] An Option to test the SCEP Configuration has been added
- [FIX] Under certain circumstances Placeholders did not get replaced correctly in App Configuration
- [NEW] Installed Root CA Certificates now show up in the installed certificates
- [NEW] Added Telemetry Configurations
- [NEW] Improved Settings, Description and Functionality of WIP
- [NEW] Support for distributing and running Powershell Script
- [FIX] MacOS InHouse Apps can now be uploaded properly again
Version 202241
EMM Management Console:
- [NEW] Added an Option to force a user to change their password for the management console on the next login.
- [NEW] The REST API now allows you to send a Message to a Device.
- [NEW] You can now view the console as a custom role. To do so, you have to give the role to yourself. Afterwards you can select this Role in the “Role Filter” Option in the console settings.
- [NEW] Multiple Changes have been made to prevent accidental Deletion of Root Users.
- [NEW] Multiple improvements to different details of the console have been made.
- [NEW] Performance of the Recycle Bin has been improved, especially for cases with many entries.
- [NEW] Added assigned Group Profiles to the reporting which lets you see how many and which devices have which group profile.
- [NEW] Configured Mail Account has been added to reporting.
- [NEW] Multiple changes and improvements to text and translation.
- [FIX] “Can Login” is not disabled anymore when changing Role or Password.
- [NEW] Multiple Lock Screen Features have been added to the restrictions.
- [NEW] Added Support for Enhanced Work Profile (EWP) via Zero Touch.
- [NEW] “Disallow Adding Google Account” has been added to Work Profiles.
- [NEW] Added an Option to control the Download Limit for failed or repeated APK Downloads.
- [NEW] Added OAuth Setting to GMail Configuration in the PIM Management.
- [NEW] Added an Option to show or hide the Notification dot for an App when using the AppTec Launcher and/or Multi App Kiosk Mode.
- [NEW] Added an option to remove a Client Certificate from GMail Configuration.
- [FIX] APNS Certificate Setup prevented you from proceeding if you did not enter the same Apple ID as the one you used before.
- [FIX] Versions of an uploaded IPA, which is not the Update Target can now be distributed correctly.
- [FIX] For new Profiles/Devices the GPS Tracking option was enabled in the console but disabled in the actual profile. The Switch now always shows the correct status. This does not change the state of already existing profiles. To fix this, you simply have to change the option once and save.
- [FIX] Some Settings in General Settings -> App Management -> App Settings – iOS were greyed out and could not be changed.
- [NEW] Dynamic visual Feedback has been added to the BitLocker Status.
- [NEW] Added many Improvements to Windows Management, Explanations, Functions, etc.
- [NEW] Added dependencies and supersedence to Win32 Packages. Packages defined as supersedence will be uninstalled before installing the chosen package. Packages defined as dependencies will be instaled before the installing the chosen package.
Version 202225
Universal Gateway:
Go to General Settings -> Universal Gateway to install the update
- [NEW] Updated the Operating System to Debian 11
- [NEW] Increased minimum TLS Version to 1.2
- [FIX] In some cases some apps did not get blocked when using whitelist and/or intelligent system app blocking (requires Client Version 20222521 or above).
- [FIX] In some cases changes to iOS group profiles did not get saved correctly.
- [FIX] Some IPA files could not be uploaded correctly.
- [FIX] Under certain circumstances DEP devices got duplicated.
Version 202217
EMM Management Console:
- [NEW] Added more information to the “Delete Device” dialogue to avoid confusion.
- [NEW] When deleting a whole group, you will now get an overview of affected users and devices with the option to move selected users or devices somewhere else instead of deleting them.
- [NEW] GPS View added to group.
- [NEW] OTP 2FA has been added. You can now use 2FA via an Authenticator App (e.g. Google Authenticator).
- [NEW] Added new user and device placeholders.
- [NEW] You can now check for updates and update the Universal Gateway directly through the console.
- [NEW] You are now able to download a profile summary on group and device level.
- [NEW] The Intermediate Certificate of the Universal Gateway is now checked and validated when saving the configuration to prevent a wrong or incomplete certificate chain.
- [NEW] Changed, fixed and added Text and Translation.
- [NEW] Device Assignment dropdown now also shows groups.
- [FIX] Certificates could not be uploaded when the password contained certain special characters.
- [FIX] Restoring a device discards every open command for it.
- [FIX] Restoring a device into a group did not work as expected.
- [NEW] Added Factory Reset Protection for fully managed Android Enterprise profiles.
- [NEW] Disallow Screen Capture has been added to the restrictions.
- [NEW] Disallow Adding Google Accounts has been added to the restrictions.
- [NEW] Update Behavior of Android Enterprise Apps can now be controlled.
- [NEW] Knox Enrollment options have been extended to include auto assign options and contain new JSON data. Should you have used any other JSON Data or URL, make sure to use the data shown in the console after the update, otherwise the enrollment may fail.
- [NEW] Added “Keep System Apps” to the Zero Touch Configuration
- [FIX] When copying Android Profiles to Android Enterprise, Sys App Restrictions did not get removed correctly from the profile. Note: This only prevents certain problems from occuring when copying after the update. This does not correct already copied profiles.
- [FIX] Under certain circumstances package names could not be added to the kiosk mode.
- [FIX] Quick App Administration did not sent commands correctly to Android Enterprise.
- [FIX] Problems preventing the device setup with the Knox Enrollment and Zero Touch have been fixed. IMPORTANT: If you have received a Link to a workaround APK from our support, change this link back to default or select AppTec360 from the dropdown in your Knox Enrollment Profile.
- [NEW] Added WPA3 as Security Type in the WiFi configuration.
- [NEW] Device Settings have been moved to a different location.
- [NEW] Added Pasteboard access protection for User Enrollment (BYOD) profiles.
- [NEW] License Assignment of VPP Apps is now shown in the group profile when using App Bundles.
- [FIX] In rare cases the console did not accept a freshly generated or renewed APNS certificate with the error, that it is expired.
- [FIX] Description of ‘Automatic OS Updates’ in iOS profiles has been changed to better reflect how this option works.
- [FIX] The Sync with Apple School Manager has been reworked to make the behavior more transparent and give admins more control.
- [NEW] Win32 Apps and their configuration (install command, requirements, etc) can now be ex- and imported.
- [NEW] Windows Store support has been added to the app management.
- [NEW] PIM Configuration now supports the Universal Gateway
- [FIX] Several minor issues have been fixed.
- [FIX] Display of installed drives and their free space has been improved.
Version 202150
EMM Management Console:
- [NEW] Enrollment Date has been added to the Asset Data and can be viewed in the reporting.
- [NEW] You can now download a list of all Settings/Restrictions of a group or device profile as PDF.
- [NEW] Extended Notifications in console and via mail has been added for APNS, DEP, VPP and Cloud Storage.
- [NEW] Rollout Management has been added.
- [NEW] You can now force a user to change its password on the next login.
- [NEW] You can now select multiple devices in the reporting and move all these to a group of your choice.
- [NEW] You can now no longer send an enrollment request as long as the device is green in the console.
- [FIX] Some Texts and Translations have been adjusted.
- [FIX] Some entries which were not shown correctly in the Command Log have been corrected.
- [FIX] Certificates for the Universal Gateway will now be correctly checked before saving them.
- [FIX] If the contact person, company name or similar has been changed in the license, this change was not correctly reflected in the Account Information in the console.
- [FIX] Quick App Administration did not load VPP Apps correctly.
- [FIX] Quick App Administration did not show the correct App Selector for Android Enterprise.
- [FIX] Restoring a device from the recycle bin does not send an unenrollment anymore.
- [NEW] Device Overview now shows the version of the AppTec360 App.
- [FIX] You can now control the permissions for In-House Apps. This is only possible on Samsung devices.
- [NEW] Support for iOS Custom Configs has been added.
- [NEW] Notification settings for apps can now be configured.
- [NEW] You can now select and distribute In-House Apps which are not the update target. This allows you to provide different app versions of your In-House Apps for different groups/devices
- [NEW] OnDemand for AppTec360 VPN has been added.
- [NEW] You can now managed the Homescreen Layout.
- [FIX] Local Identifier in IKEv2 configuration is no longer defined as a mandatory field.
- [FIX] If you deleted the Managed Configuration on device level, the Managed Configuration of the group profile will now be shown and used.
- [FIX] The Enterprise App Store did not trigger install commands.
- [NEW] Information regarding the Win32 App Installation has been added to the Device Log.
- [NEW] Improved Log Messages in the Device Log.
- [NEW] The total capacity of all Storage will now be shown.
- [NEW] Kiosk Mode for Windows 10 has been added.
- [NEW] Support for Windows Information Protection (WIP) has been added.
Version 202145
EMM Management Console:
- [NEW] Add feedback for win32 deployment in device log.
- [FIX] In some cases Universal Gateway users where not correctly authenticated by the console.
Version 202141
EMM Management Console:
- [NEW] Mass Role Assignment has been added. This allows you to add roles to multiple users or a whole group. This will also allow then to login and send them a mail with instructions on how to login and to set a password.
- [NEW] LDAP Automatic Sync.
- [FIX] The self service roll should be able to see its own user and devices. This was not working as intended and instead this role was not able to see anything.
- [FIX] Language fixes and Improvements.
- [NEW] Support for Enhanced Work Profile has been added. This is for company owned devices with a business container if the device is allowed for private use. It is comparable with the previous known COPE mode. Requires Android 11+. Create a new device and select “Android Enterprise” as OS and “BYOD” as Device Type to enroll the device with Enhanced Work Profile.
- [NEW] Factory Reset Protection has been added. This allows you to define or change the google account which is used on the device for the FRP. This can be done in General Settings -> Android Configuration -> Android Enterprise. Be sure to read the explanations very carefully. It is recommended to do this for Enhanced Work Profile devices or for fully managed devices where a google account is or can be used. Requires Version 20214112 or higher of the AppTec Client.
- [FIX] App settings from the group profile were not displayed correctly on device.
- [NEW] You are now able to set the timezone of the device.
- [NEW] Restriction has been added to allow or prevent the use of the “Private Relay”.
- [NEW] VPN connection can now be configured for User Enrollment / BYOD Devices.
- [NEW] Threema has been added to PIM Management.
- [NEW] DEP support has been added. Devices can now be enrolled using DEP.
- [NEW] Support for Win32 Package (.exe) has been added.
- [FIX] In some cases mandatory apps were not removced correctly from the device after removing them from the mandatory app list.
Version 202138
EMM Management Console:
- [NEW] “Can Login” is now enabled automatically upon giving a user a password or a role.
- [NEW] Added a comment field for groups and group profiles.
- [NEW] Added a full dark mode.
- [NEW] Device Log is reloaded automatically whenever something changes.
- [NEW] App Bundles has been added to General Settings -> App Bundles. This lets you define a big group of Apps which all can be added with one click to a group or device profile.
- [NEW] A search function has been added to some restriction lists which contain many restriction.
- [FIX] When importing a CSV to the Sim Card Management in which a user has more than one Sim Card, only the first got imported.
- [NEW] Added samsung game launcher to the sysapp restrictions.
- [NEW] Added an option to the AE QR Code to provision with cellular networks instead of Wi-Fi.
- [NEW] Added Kernel Version and Patch Level to the Asset Management.
- [NEW] Added support for Apple Classroom.
- [NEW] QR Code Scanner has been added to sysapp restrictions.
Version 202134
EMM Management Console:
- [NEW] Multiple Improvements to LDAP Sync have been made
- [NEW] Added multiple features to LDAP Sync to better control the sync behavior
- [NEW] Added Certificate Management to general settings to get an overview over all your certificates, independent from operating systems
- [NEW] Quick App Administration now supports Windows 10, MacOS and Android Enterprise Devices
- [NEW] Added a search field in to “Add App” Dialogues
- [NEW] Reworked InHouse App removal so you have more control on what happens when deleting an InHouse App
- [FIX] Language fixes and improvements
- [FIX] In certain cases attachments in the bug report did not get sent correctly
- [FIX] When adding external storage to the contentbox, the icon to remove it did not show correctly
- [FIX] Multiple Improvements and Fixes have been performed for the Dashboard and Reporting
- [FIX] Multiple minor fixes and improvements to the console have been made
- [NEW] Added Sorting and Filtering to Auto Enrollment List
- [NEW] Certificate Management has been added for Android
- [NEW] Ad-Hoc GPS has been added for Android
- [FIX] When trying to install normal Play Store Apps via Enterprise App Store the Play Store showed an error and you were not able to install the app
- [NEW] VPP License Assignment has been improved
- [FIX] In some cases after removing a Wallpaper it was not possible to upload one again
Windows 10:
- [NEW] New Options for Wi-Fi Configuration have been added
- [FIX] When using certain special characters in the Wi-Fi Configuration the Configuration did not work properly on the device
Version 202124
EMM Management Console:
- [NEW] Audit Log has been added. You are now able to get a more detailed information about all your past changes to device or group profiles.
- [NEW] Every mandatory field is now marked with a red “*”.
- [NEW] Entries in the command log are marked with different colors depending on their status.
- [NEW] New customizable Dashboard has been added.
- [NEW] Recycle Bin has been added. You are now able to recover deleted devices.
- [FIX] In some cases the last known location of a device in the device overview were incorrect.
- [FIX] Some text and translations have been fixed.
- [FIX] In some cases the compliance report was empty.
- [FIX] Remote Control were not displayed in the profile which prevented you from setting up Splashtop.
- [NEW] Support for Apple School Manager has been added.
- [FIX] App settings could not be set for apps which are not available in the configured app store region of the console.
- [FIX] In rare cases app settings were not saved correctly.
- [FIX] The pool for Shared iPad were displayed even if its empty. It will now only show if there is at least one device in the pool.
- [NEW] SCEP has been added to the certificate management.
- [NEW] Improved the status display of app installation.
Version 202115
EMM Management Console:
- [NEW] A new color theme for the console has been added. This can be changed if you click on your mail address in top right and go to “Console Settings”.
- [NEW] New icons for the device/user tree has been added.
- [NEW] Information about the usage cloud storage has been added. This is NOT the contentbox. This refers to the space used by InHouse apps.
- [NEW] Certificate Management has been moved to its own section.
- [NEW] Changed how some SysApp Restrictions are displayed.
- [FIX] Fixed a Bug which asked for an app when configuring URL kiosk mode.
- [FIX] Some Restrictions which required the supervised mode were not displayed correctly on Safari.
- [NEW] Certificate Management for Windows has been added.
- [NEW] Per-App VPN Lockdown has been added.
- [FIX] Fixed a Bug regarding dependencies of UWP Apps.
Version 202104
EMM Management Console:
- [NEW] Reporting has been reworked. You are now able to modify the reporting more individually, for example add and remove columns.
- [NEW] Subscription Management has been added. Similar to the SIM Card Management, you can now document your subscriptions and contracts in the MDM, to have all the information in one place.
- [NEW] Black- and Whitelisting can now be set for each profile instead of setting it globally for the whole system. This can now be found in the app management in the profile. In addition the visual design of the Black- and Whitelist has been overhauled.
- [NEW] Devices in any device pool can now be deleted.
- [NEW] Several texts and translations have been improved.
- [NEW] Multiple minor changes to the UI.
- [FIX] In some cases, when using the Universal Gateway in combination with placeholders, the placeholder did not get resolved properly.
- [FIX] In most cases, the unmanaged devices list of the Universal Gateway had entries without an ID. These entries will now be removed automatically.
- [FIX] Improved the login site for mobile devices.
- [FIX] In some views, where the numbers of the devices are displayed, the count did not match the real count of the devices. This should now be correct in every view.
- [NEW] You can now get logs from Android devices directly in the console via the right click or the wheel menu.
- [NEW] iFrames for the managed play store has been added. You no longer need to open a new tab to approve apps for android enterprise. Simply go to general settings -> app management -> AE play store. This also overhauls the way you can add layouts for the playstore.
- [NEW] The above mentioned iFrames also allow you to easily upload your own apps to the store and distribute your apps via the google play store.
- [NEW] The above mentioned iFrames also allow you to create your own web apps which can be distributed to the devices.
- [NEW] A client certificate can now be distributed when using gmail.
- [FIX] In certain scenarios, the migration of devices resulted in a wrong device type.
- [FIX] Contentbox on Android 10 or higher did not work correctly.
- [FIX] Having more than 100 apps approved for android enterprise caused the console to only show 100 of them.
- [NEW] Shared iPad has been added. To use this feature, enable it in general settings -> apple configuration. Afterwards create a new DEP profile and enable Shared iPad. DEP devices which have this new profile assigned will be created as shared iPad. Shared iPads use a new group profile.
- [NEW] If you’ve configured a SCEP configuration, you can now reference this in your wifi settings, so the device will get its certificate from this specified SCEP server.
- [FIX] In most cases you were not able to set a managed configuration while adding the App. You first had to add the app and click on it again.
- [FIX] Multiple adjustments have been made to VPP and the license assignment.
- [NEW] Bitlocker Encryption will now be performed silently.
Version 202042
EMM Management Console:
- [NEW] Improved version check for Universal Gateway. In some cases the version display “Gateway seems offline” even though it was online and the console just encountered an issue when reading the version which was missleading.
- [NEW] The login information email can be fully disabled in the console settings now.
- [NEW] Windows 10, MacOS, iOS BYOD added to reporting data and charts, where they were previously missing.
- [NEW] New API calls added to our REST API. See for more:
- [FIX] Multiple minor issues in the Role Based Access have been fixed (missing permissions, not properly working permissions, duplicates, etc).
- [FIX] Fixed a scenario where you could configure kiosk mode without setting a kiosk app.
- [FIX] Displaying Gateway logs in the console did not work in every menu.
- [FIX] Universal Gateway: Using “unmanaged devices” broke the connectivity for managed devices.
- [NEW] New “COPE” Mode has been added which combines the Android Enterprise Device Owner Mode (aka fully managed) and the Android Enterprise Container. You can either create a device directly as COPE device or activate COPE on already enrolled Android Enterprise Device Owner Mode devices*
There is not new group profile for this. Instead the device is using the Container profile for the container and the Work Managed profile for the device as a whole.
*COPE can only be activated if the device in the console has the “Android Enterprise” OS Type. - [NEW] Migrating “Android” devices to “Android Enterprise” devices is now possible. See:
- [NEW] You can now copy “Android” Group Profiles to “Android Enterprise” Group Profiles.
- [NEW] Support for Splashtop Remote Control has been added.
- [NEW] According to the mentioned changes above, we added an information to all “Android” devices using Android Enterprise since it is recommended to use “Android Enterprise” in the console if the physical device is configured with Android Enterprise.
- [NEW] You can now prevent the user from changing the time settings entirely. Previously, if you set automatic time, users could change the time which was corrected automatically after a short time. Anyhow some apps had problems with the certain time change which is why this option has been added.
- [FIX] If Ikarus was used with a license file in the past, the console displayed old information after changing to license code.
- [FIX] Knox Enrollment now creates the device as “Android Enterprise” device instead of “Android”.
- [NEW] OAuth for Exchange can now be activated.
- [NEW] MAC Address Randomization can now be disabled for a Wi-Fi configured via MDM. Requires iOS 14 or higher.
- [FIX] You can now configure Wi-Fi without setting a Proxy if using german language for the console.
- [FIX] You can now change some VPP config without uploading the Token again which previously required a re-upload.
- [FIX] In some cases you were not able to delete your APNS certificate properly.
- [FIX] You can now create an enrollment request with non-Root Roles.
- [FIX] Kerberos Exchange Configuration did not work in some cases if using iOS BYOD.
Version 202038
EMM Management Console:
- [NEW] Extended the current command log
- [NEW] Some VPP Actions are now hidden if no VPP is configured
- [NEW] Reintroduced repush option for Android mandatory apps
- [NEW] Don’t show actions that are not possible on unenrolled devices
- [NEW] Language fixes and updates
- [FIX] Masking of password in Certificate upload field was missing
- [FIX] Device and user links from reporting weren’t working
- [FIX] SimCard Mangement: Empty CSV file when exporting
- [FIX] For MacOS the last unlock PIN wasn’t shown correctly
- [FIX] Old “ghost” apps couldn’t be removed from applists
- [NEW] iOS enrollment is now blocked when no APNS is set up
- [FIX] Single Sign On-Account couldn’t be saved
- [FIX] Provisioning profile update fixed
- [FIX] “Prevent Backup of app data” was disabled by default
- [FIX] VPN OnDemand was not available for L2TP
Windows PC:
- [FIX] Fixed Deletion of Whitelist/Blacklist apps
Version 202027
EMM Management Console:
- [NEW] Two-Factor Authentication has been added. This can be configured in the console settings.
- [NEW] Login Log has been added which logs successful and failed logins including the used browser and IP.
- [NEW] By default you will get a mail if someone logged in to your account. By adding your IP to the whitelist in the Login Log, this can be disabled.
- [NEW] The new AppTec Logo has been added to the console.
- [FIX] In some cases the dashboard was not loaded correctly.
- [FIX] In rare cases and depending on the used browser, the pie charts in the reporting were Black some times. They should now use the correct color all the time.
- [FIX] In the App Configuration for Samsung Mail the “+” Button for adding a new account did not work correctly.
- [FIX] In some cases, on Huawei devices, the Kiosk Mode did not start correctly after rebooting the device.
- [FIX] Several problems regarding Android 10 have been fixed, which could cause connection problems.
- [FIX] Ikarus settings did not save correctly in some situations.
- [NEW] The used VPP Mode can now be set for each VPP Token individually. This allows you to use a token with Device Mode for all your corporate device and an additional Token in User Mode for your User Enrollment (BYOD) devices.
- [FIX] The renewal of the VPP Token did not work as expected in some cases.
Version 202013
New UI Design:
- The design now scales with the width of your browser/screen.
- You can now rightclick devices, groups and users in the tree on the left.
- You can now change the color scheme of the UI if you click on your mail on the top right and change the console settings.
- A lot of view will update automatically whenever a device finished a command to instantly reflect some changes (e.g. last seen status).
- Drag’n’Drop should now be much smoother and more responsive for a lot of users.
- Every view should now be a lot more responsive and faster for most of the users.
- And many other little details got improved.
EMM Management Console:
- [NEW] Phone numbers are now shown in the device report.
- [NEW] Improved the german translation and a lot of the english text aswell.
- [NEW] Should you enroll a device while it is selected in the console, it will become green immediately after the enrollment has been completed. No need to reload or anything!
- [NEW] “Command Log” in the “Device Log” Tab has been added. This shows which command has been sent to the device and if it was successful. If it failed, it will show additional information, if possible.
- [NEW] “Advanced Configuration has been added to the Gateway Configuration. With this you can now set the max headersize.
- [NEW] The last opened view will now be remembered and reopened when you login in again.
- [NEW] The enterprise appstore has been re-worked for iOS and Android and now features a search function.
- [NEW] The enrollment mail will now contain the QR Code for Android and iOS.
- [NEW] The design of the On/Off switches has been renewed.
- [NEW] The Pie Chart of the dashboard has been recolored.
- [NEW] Some parts have been made more responsive. The status bar at the top now always displays the correct live status and app lists get updated automatically without the need of a reload.
- [NEW] Some of the tables (e.g. installed App list) have been resized to work better with the highest console width.
- [NEW] Improved the caching of app icons for every app list which should decrease loading time after the first time.
- [NEW] Implemented some improvements for Chrome users.
- [NEW] Global Configuration has been extended with more templates.
- [NEW] Changed the way the appliance uses to contact the mail server to avoid conflicts with some mail server settings.
- [NEW] After creating a device the values for operating system, device typ and ownership will be saved and applied for the next device, giving you the ability to add devices much more efficient.
- [NEW] Added more options to the mail templates.
- [FIX] The “Update Target” Button in the InHouse App DB could not be changed correctly. This has been fixed.
- [FIX] Whenever a device, group or user got deleted, it was still selected. Now after deleting one of these will automatically select an element above the deleted one.
- [FIX] When using the Universal Gateway for mail configuration, in some cases the username was not set correctly on the device. This has been fixed.
- [FIX] Under certain circumstances the server manager could not be reached on multi-client systems. This was fixed.
- [FIX] Under certain circumstances it took much longer than expected to load a group when clicked on it. This has been fixed.
- [FIX] Some apps that should have an Icon with transparency had a black background. This has been fixed.
- [FIX] In some scenarios, external storage could not be added to the content box (e.g. FTP). This was fixed.
- [FIX] In rare cases, old GPS positions were not deleted as expected as soon as they were older than 30 days. This now works again as expected.
- [FIX] In rare cases, it happened that a button got switched to from On to Off or vice versa without displaying it correctly until saving. This got completely fixed.
- [FIX] In many cases the external appliance configuration was not reachable although it was configured correctly. This now works again.
- [FIX] If the SSL port was not 443, requests were not correctly forwarded to port 80. These are now forwarded to the configured SSL port.
- [FIX] GPS positions were correctly transmitted by the devices but not displayed. This was fixed.
- [FIX] Fixed some text and translation.
- [NEW] “Android for Work” has been added as operating system. Creating a device using this operating system will hide every setting which is not required.
- [NEW] You can now reset the password with a custom password.
- [NEW] URL Kiosk Mode now properly shows that a page is currently loading. Prior to this, this happened in the background without a visual feedback.
- [NEW] The “+” button in the installed apps list has been removed. The recommended way to add apps that should be installed is using the mandatory app list. Due to confusion and problems caused by the “+” button, we decided to remove it.
- [NEW] The information “Last Push” has been added to Android devices.
- [NEW] Text fields in the android clients have been adjusted so passwords (e.g. uninstall password) are hidden and e-mail fields are recognized as such.
- [NEW] Support for new Ikarus Version with license key added.
- [NEW] Samsung KNOX functions can now be used in Android for Work Device Owner Mode
- [NEW] QR Code Enrollment is now possible with native android enrollment.
- [NEW] License Management for Ikarus has been added in General Settings -> App Management -> Third Party Apps.
- [NEW] Implemented different methods to block splitscreen and picture in picture while kiosk mode is active.
- [NEW] Changed the wording from Samsung SAFE to Samsung KNOX since Samsung also switched to this terminology.
- [NEW] Changed the system which is used to push devices to resolve push issues on some Android 9 devices.
- [FIX] Fixed an issue which prevented users from linking a google account with the console.
- [FIX] While searching for playstore apps, some icons were not displayed correctly. This has been fixed.
- [FIX] Whenever the AfW App Store contained more than 50 apps, every app got removed. This has been fixed.
- [FIX] Under certain circumstances, AfW devices were not pushed correctly. This works now in every case and with every device.
- [FIX] There was an issue that prevented setting a background on android. This now works again as intended.
- [FIX] The biometric authentication option for AfW devices has been removed by accident. This feature is now back!
- [FIX] Play Store Search did not work due to changes by google. This has been adjusted so the app search works again as expected.
- [FIX] InHouse Apps could not be distributed via Enterprise App Store in many cases. This was fixed.
- [FIX] In very rare cases the installed apps list was not displayed correctly.
- [FIX] In rare cases inHouse apps got not installed on the devices. This has been fixed.
- [FIX] In certain cases pushing android devices did not work, this has been fixed.
- [FIX] In URL Kiosk Mode: On certain devices, when the kiosk exit popup got closed without entering the exit password, it was impossible to get the popup again without restarting the device. This has been fixed.
- [FIX] Group Profiles for AfW Devices could not be copied. This has been fixed.
- [FIX] Fixed a bug in the URL kiosk mode where the original URL got loaded whenever the screen orientation changed.
- [FIX] Exiting the kiosk by using a password and resuming it via the apptec client resulted in the kiosk mode not being activaed correctly. Therefore non-kiosk apps could be opened.
- [FIX] Due to major changes made by Google to the Playstore, Playstore apps were not displayed and added correctly. This also added broken entries to the list. Searching and adding apps now works again. Also all corrupt entries were removed automatically.
- [FIX] A few apps have special characters in their name. This caused the insalled apps list to be empty. This has been fixed.
- [NEW] You can now enter a bundle identifier to the Black- or Whitelist.
- [NEW] User Enrollment has been added. Please note that the option to add apps via VPP in device mode will come in the next update.
- [NEW] The “+” button in the managed apps list has been removed. The recommended way to add apps that should be installed is using the mandatory app list. Due to confusion and problems caused by the “+” button, we decided to remove it.
- [NEW] The bypass code for the activationlock can now be shown in the console and used to manually remove the activationlock.
- [NEW] The Built-In Security Container can now be customized to allow screenshots and other functions.
- [NEW] Support for the Apptec VPN has been added.
- [NEW] Some settings need supervised mode since iOS 13. The affected settings are now marked accordingly. Hint: Devices which were rolled in before the update to iOS 13 are not affected.
- [NEW] Semiautomatic APNS certificate creation has been added.
- [NEW] Overhauled the whole system to get VPP licenses which will make the process much faster and more stable, especially for higher amounts of licenses.
- [NEW] New “Skip” options has been added to the DEP profile to match the latest iOS versions.
- [NEW] Improved they way the enrollment got processed if you add the device to the MDM and to DEP using the Apple Configurator 2. This also avoids the creation of 2 identical devices which occured in rare cases while using this method.
- [NEW] Extended the lifetime of a single push to 100 days, so devices will receive a push even after being offline for 100 days.
- [NEW] Activity App has been added to the Sys App Restrictions.
- [FIX] When using Per-App VPN not every VPN method was displayed correctly. This has been fixed.
- [FIX] When setting passcode restrictions, some values were not set correctly. This has been fixed.
- [FIX] System App Restrictions did not work properly in rare cases. This has been fixed.
- [FIX] Some restrictions were not displayed correctly. This has been fixed.
- [FIX] OpenVPN profiles were always incorrectly stored as OnDemand VPN on the end device. This was fixed.
- [FIX] In certain cases app settings from group profiles were not applied correctly. This now works in every scenario.
- [FIX] Due to changes of Apple, the device log did not display every error correctly. This has now been fixed.
- [FIX] Different fixes for VPP have been implemented. Now the license assignment should be reliable as before.
- [FIX] Certificate Authentication with mail profiles did not work properly in most cases. This has been fixed.
- [FIX] Added missing Appstore Countries.
- [FIX] Activating certain supervised settings caused push problems, this has been fixed.
- [FIX] APN Legacy was not working correctly in some cases. This has been fixed.
- [FIX] “Open from managed to unmanaged” could not be changed in some cases. This should now work again as intended.
Windows 10 PC:
- [NEW] Added support for big UWP (appx & appxbundle) and MSI apps.
- [NEW] You are now able to remove some architectures (e.g. ARM) from bundles since this can cause problems on devices not matching this architecture.
- [NEW] “Wipe Device” has been added.
- [NEW] Full support for Windows 10 Version 1809 has been added
- [NEW] Adjusted the UI for upload of UWP (appx & appxbundle) and MSI apps.
- [NEW] Support for BitLocker configuration added.
- [NEW] Support for Firewall configuration added.
- [NEW] Support for VPN via the Apptec Universal Gateway added.
Version 201912
EMM Management Console:
- [NEW] After creating a device the values for operating system, device typ and ownership will be saved and applied for the next device, giving you the ability to add devices much more efficient.
- [NEW] Global Configuration has been extended with more templates.
- [NEW] Changed the way the appliance uses to contact the mail server to avoid conflicts with some mail server settings.
- [NEW] The enterprise appstore has been re-worked for iOS and Android and now features a search function.
- [NEW] The enrollment mail will now contain the QR Code for Android and iOS.
- [NEW] Improved the caching of app icons for every app list which should decrease loading time after the first time.
- [FIX] In rare cases, it happened that a button got switched to from On to Off or vice versa without displaying it correctly until saving. This got completely fixed.
- [FIX] Under certain circumstances it took much longer than expected to load a group when clicked on it. This has been fixed.
- [NEW] “Android for Work” has been added as operating system. Creating a device using this operating system will hide every setting which is not required.
- [NEW] QR Code Enrollment is now possible with native android enrollment.
- [NEW] You can now reset the password with a custom password.
- [NEW] The “+” button in the installed apps list has beend removed. The recommended way to add apps that should be installed is using the mandatory app list. Due to confusion and problems caused by the “+” button, we decided to remove it.
- [NEW] Changed the wording from Samsung SAFE to Samsung KNOX since Samsung also switched to this terminology.
- [NEW] Samsung KNOX functions can now be used in Android for Work Device Owner Mode
- [NEW] Changed the system which is used to push devices to resolve push issues on some Android 9 devices.
- [FIX] A few apps have special characters in their name. This caused the insalled apps list to be empty. This has been fixed.
- [FIX] In rare cases inHouse apps got not installed on the devices. This has been fixed.
- [NEW] Overhauled the whole system to get VPP licenses which will make the process much faster and more stable, especially for higher amounts of licenses.
- [NEW] The Built-In Security Container can now be customized to allow screenshots and other functions.
- [NEW] Improved they way the enrollment got processed if you add the device to the MDM and to DEP using the Apple Configurator 2. This also avoids the creation of 2 identical devices which occured in rare cases while using this method.
- [NEW] New “Skip” options has been added to the DEP profile to match the latest iOS versions.
- [NEW] The bypass code for the activationlock can now be shown in the console and used to manually remove the activationlock.
- [NEW] You can now enter a bundle identifier to the Black- or Whitelist.
- [NEW] Activity App has been added to the Sys App Restrictions.
- [NEW] The “+” button in the managed apps list has beend removed. The recommended way to add apps that should be installed is using the mandatory app list. Due to confusion and problems caused by the “+” button, we decided to remove it.
- [FIX] Due to changes of Apple, the device log did not display every error correctly. This has now been fixed.
Windows 10 PC:
- [NEW] Added support for big UWP (appx & appxbundle) and MSI apps.
- [NEW] You are now able to remove some architectures (e.g. ARM) from bundles since this can cause problems on devices not matching this architecture.
- [NEW] “Wipe Device” has been added.
- [NEW] Full support for Windows 10 Version 1809 has been added
- [NEW] Adjusted the UI for upload of UWP (appx & appxbundle) and MSI apps.
Older Versions
EMM Management Console:
- [NEW] TeamViewer Support for iOS and Android has been added! You can now easily remote access your devices!
- [NEW] You can now set an Alias for your VPP token.
- [NEW] REST API has been added to get the GPS information via our REST API. This is currently limited to GPS information and will be enhanced in the future.
- [NEW] The navigation tree containing the users, groups and devices has been improved to make it more responsive, especially while using drag’n’drop.
- [NEW] An extended search functionality has been added. You can now easily search for many different attributes.
- [NEW] Overhauled the android password restriction form.
- [NEW] You can now add comments to every single device to add any information you want to a device (e.g. at which date it was bought)
- [NEW] The installed Apps list of Windows 10 PC now contains every installed, regardless of its installation type. (Before that change, the list were split into different categories for InHouse, Store and System Apps)
- [NEW] Reworked the configuration tab of AfW apps that are using sections to better represent these sections (e.g. Samsung Mail)
- [FIX] Under certain conditions, settings could not be saved correctly in the connection management. This has been fixed completely.
- [FIX] In extremely rare cases it could happen that the system did not properly synchronize with the VPP service. This has been fixed completely.
- [FIX] In the Outlook configuration for iOS, the placeholder were not working correctly. This has been fixed.
- [FIX] Depending on your enrollment method, custom Roles were not able to edit, move or delete devices in the device pool. This has been fixed.
- [FIX] Due to changes made by google, the android app search was not working correctly. This has been fixed.
- [NEW] “Allow Bluetooth Sharing” implemented for Android for Work. This allows you to access your contacts if your device is connected to your car.
- [NEW] You can now configure a timeout for the policy violation action for Android for Work.
- [NEW] Minor improvements have been made to the kiosk mode.
- [FIX] On certain devices, which do not have an IMEI, auto enrollment did not work properly under certain conditions. This has now been fixed.
- [NEW] The new version of the Cisco Anyconnect app is now supported too! Besides that, the Legacy app can still be configured.
- [NEW] The new version of the OpenVPN App is now supported.
- [NEW] iOS Update can now be delayed for up to 90 days
- [NEW] If you had to accept changed Terms and Conditions for your DEP account, the sync was not working. We now implemented a warning for that if this is the case.
- [FIX] Fixed a bug that caused the exchange profile to loose the password if a changed PIM profile was pushed.
- [FIX] In rare cases, certificates were not pushed correctly to the device. This has been fixed.
Windows 10 PC:
- [NEW] You can now uninstall apps
- [NEW] You can now install apps via the mandatory apps list (Appx, Appxbundle and MSI)
EMM Management Console:
- Some Icons have been replaced (e.g.: SecurePIM)
- Style improvements has been implemented that make certain tabs more visible (e.g. the sources for an app installation)
- The profile you are currently editing will always be displayed at the left side.
- Selecting a group profile now shows which groups are affected by this profile
- The Enrollment page for iOS and MacOS has been improved and now shows improved notification if, for example, no APNS certificate has been found
- Several improvements to increase the performance has been implemented
- A Problem has been fixed that caused playstore apps to not be displayed correctly in the console
- A Problem has been fixed that caused the appstore to be empty
- Automatic OS Update is now possible without DEP but in this case requires iOS 10.3 and supervised mode
- The VPP App List will now be sorted alphabetically
- A Hint has been added if the Enterprise Appstore is not displayed because Javascript is deactivated
- You will be warned that disabling Javascript will end up in a not working Enterprise Appstore
- Under certain circumstances mandatory app installation has not begun right after the enrollment. This is now fixed.
- If an app-configuration contained integer the configuration was not applied correctly. This has been fixed.
- Files App has been added to the sys app restrictions.
- “Outlook” has been added to BYOD
- App Management has been added. This contains Installed Apps and Mandatory Apps (In-House and VPP)
Windows 10 PC:
- App Management has been added. This contains Installed Apps, Black-/Whitelisting and Sys App Restrictions
EMM Management Console:
- Implemented many additional security features.
- Fixed a bug that made it possible to edit a Super Root without being Super Root.
- Fixed an issue that caused certain pages under android profiles to crash or load indefinitely (e.g. Mandatory App List, PIM Management)
VERSION 202450
EMM Management Console:
- [NEW] The console is now also available in Arabic and Traditional Chinese. Also, all translations have been updated.
- [NEW] You will now need to verify your e-mail address when changing the e-mail address.
- [NEW] In multiple parts of the system where you can upload a certificate, any unnecessary data will be removed from the file to prevent problems.
- [NEW] Mail verification is now displayed in the edit user dialogue.
- [NEW] New actions for compliance & escalation have been added.
- [NEW] Audit log of users and groups now contains information about child items.
- [NEW] Added a button next to password fields to show the password.
- [NEW] Geofencing has been added in a lite version to Compliance & Escalation. (The next update will introduce new actions such as wipe and similar.)
- [FIX] To enable 2FA, mail verification was required. This did not work as intended in some cases.
- [FIX] In some app reports the selected operating system was not respected correctly.
- [FIX] Fixed some rare issues when using CSV User import.
- [FIX] Fixed some cases where devices were not marked as orphaned even though they should have been.
- [NEW] The tabs for the AppTec Launcher and the AppTec settings are now hidden by default. These can be shown again via General Settings -> Android Configuration if you want to use them as a standalone feature. The functions that were previously found there are now part of the Kiosk mode settings so that these settings are not spread over three tabs but are combined in one place.
- [NEW] Samsung Mail has been added to the PIM Management. This replaces the old functionality that relied on an old API. The new method in PIM Management offers more options and also allows you to configure Samsung Mail with the Universal Gateway, even when using a Container.
- [NEW] Some settings regarding white- and blacklist that were previously found in General Settings -> Android Configuration are now moved into profiles.
- [NEW] Screen Layout has been added to app management. Screen Layout is now also an option to define kiosk apps in the multi-app kiosk mode.
- [NEW] In some cases, there might be errors returned by the Play Store when trying to install an app via Android Enterprise (e.g. “App is not compatible”). These errors are now properly shown in the device log in the console.
- [NEW] Added Softwipe functionality as a command to the wheel menu. This removes everything from the device that came via MDM.
- [FIX] Some settings of the kiosk mode were accidentally hidden under certain circumstances.
- [FIX] Early Access apps were not displayed correctly and therefore could not be assigned as mandatory apps.
- [NEW] Client certificates for IKEv2 VPN connections via Universal Gateway are now renewed automatically.
- [NEW] The serial number of the APNS certificate is now shown in General Settings -> Apple Configuration.
- [NEW] The workflow for adding a DEP token has been improved to directly let you create a DEP profile since it is necessary. Also, the first created DEP profile will be set as Auto Profile automatically.
- [NEW] Some notifications regarding DEP have been added.
- [NEW] Added support for account-based user enrollment. This is required for iOS 18+ and is supported since iOS 15. This replaces the old user enrollment.
- [FIX] Fixed some issues when using B2B Apps with VPP.
- [FIX] Changed the check for SHA Fingerprint in SCEP configuration to allow different hash types.
- [NEW] Added an option to configure a passcode for the firmware (BIOS).
- [NEW] Windows Update Management has been added.
- [NEW] Support for IKEv2 VPN Connections for Universal Gateway has been added.
VERSION 202408
- [FIX] Android devices could not be pushed correctly.
VERSION 202406
EMM Management Console:
- [NEW] Added the following languages to the console: Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Greek, Estonian, Finnish, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Lithuanian, Latvian, Norwegian (Bokmål), Dutch, Polish, Portuguese (Brazilian), Portuguese (Other), Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Swedish, Ukrainian, Chinese (simplified).
- [NEW] Revamped the GPS password reset feature. You can now get a code from support that will allow you to reset the GPS password.
- [NEW] Compliance and Escalation has been added to General Settings.
- [FIX] In certain cases, user sync with Apple School Manager did not work.
- [FIX] In certain cases, certain special characters could cause problems in LDAP Syncs.
- [FIX] Restoring devices from the recycle bin that were assigned to a group instead of a user sometimes did not work properly.
- [FIX] Placeholders will now correctly be replaced if a device is moved, edited, or if a user is edited.
- [FIX] Multiple problems with the AzureAD connection have been fixed.
- [NEW] Added an option to receive Android debug logs from the device.
- [NEW] Added URL mode to Digital Signage.
- [NEW] Proxy Configuration for Wi-Fi Networks has been added.
- [NEW] The language of the android client can now be defined in the profile in General -> Device Settings. If nothing is set, the client will use the system language of the device.
- [NEW] Support for COPE via Knox Enrollment and Zerotouch.
- [NEW] Added an option to configure a User Certificate for EAP TLS Wi-Fi Networks.
- [NEW] Added a customizable message for certain cases to General Settings -> Android Configuration.
- [NEW] Added Delegated Scope Management to give other apps higher privileges.
- [NEW] Added support for connected app functionality for Container devices that allows certain apps to share data between the work profile and the private profile of a device if the app is installed in both.
- [NEW] Added Digital Signage to Kiosk Mode Settings.
- [NEW] Apps can now be sorted in every app picker by their approval date.
- [FIX] Migration from Legacy Android profiles to Android Enterprise profiles did not work properly.
- [NEW] Added OAuth options for Outlook.
- [NEW] Added restriction setting for USB Restricted Mode.
- [NEW] Recovery Key Rotation for FileVault.
- [NEW] Add restrictions on system and kernel extensions.
- [NEW] Added FileVault settings.
- [NEW] Added OU and User based matching for Pool Enrollment.
- [NEW] Pool Enrollment has been added to General Settings.
- [NEW] Windows Update Status has been added.
- [NEW] Added restrictions for removable storages and printer access.
- [NEW] Enrollment of Windows Home Version is now prevented. Windows Home is not supposed to be used for company use and does not support MDM APIs.
- [FIX] Fixed multiple issues with Kiosk Mode.
VERSION 202326
EMM Management Console:
- [FIX] Users could not be moved into certain groups
- [FIX] E-Mails could not be sent through SMTP without encryption
- [FIX] Some features created a large amount of log messages
- [FIX] Invalid IP Adresses were saved during login
- [FIX] LDAP sync would fail or could not be set up under certain conditions
- [FIX] Some configuration options that were improved in the previous update could not be applied
- [FIX] Some configuration options added in the previous update could not be applied
VERSION 202325
Universal Gateway Update 20232701:
Go to General Settings -> Universal Gateway to install the update
- [FIX] In some cases the manual approval would be automtically approved
- [FIX] In some cases switching from Keytab to Username and Password caused issues where the keytab was still processed
- [FIX] Auto Sync intervall was not accurate
EMM Management Console:
- [NEW] Increased SSL security when using the “Strong SSL Configuration” option. Android 4.3 and lower will no longer be able to connect to the MDM due to this change. The Strong SSL Configuration can be disabled in step 2 of the appliance configuration
- [NEW] Added REST API for APNS Certificate Expiration (v2/checkapnsexpiration)
- [NEW] Added Win32 Apps to the reporting
- [NEW] Added a Notification if licenses are close to being fully exhausted. This has to be enabled in the console settings first
- [NEW] You can now change the password by clicking on your username/mail in the top right
- [NEW] Added a small icon next to devices and groups which have a profile that is saved but not (yet) assigned
- [NEW] You can now directly start a bugreport for a specific device by right-clicking it and selecting “Report Problem”. This will automatically try to fetch device logs and attach as much info as possible to the bugreport automatically
- [NEW] Extended the REST API with “v2/device/lock”, “v2/device/move” and “v2/addsiminfo”
- [NEW] LDAP Configuration now offers a Browser to easily select the Base DN for the Sync
- [NEW] Everything related to Windows Mobile has been disabled due to being out of Support since a long time now
- [NEW] Added an Option the change the OTP Code for the login to the Console
- [NEW] Universal Gateway VPN now supports IKEv2
- [NEW] Added an Option to force a user to change their password for the management console on the next login.
- [NEW] The REST API now allows you to send a Message to a Device.
- [NEW] You can now view the console as a custom role. To do so, you have to give the role to yourself. Afterwards you can select this Role in the “Role Filter” Option in the console settings.
- [NEW] Multiple Changes have been made to prevent accidental Deletion of Root Users.
- [NEW] Multiple improvements to different details of the console have been made.
- [NEW] Performance of the Recycle Bin has been improved, especially for cases with many entries.
- [NEW] Added assigned Group Profiles to the reporting which lets you see how many and which devices have which group profile.
- [NEW] Configured Mail Account has been added to reporting.
- [NEW] Multiple changes and improvements to text and translation.
- [FIX] In certain cases the recycle bin did not list every device
- [FIX] Fixed multiple issues with manual approval of unmanaged devices for the Universal Gateway
- [FIX] Under certain circumstances KeyTab File could not be configured properly for the Univseral Gateway
- [FIX] Recycle bin sorting was not correct if it contained a big amount of devices
- [FIX] “Can Login” is not disabled anymore when changing Role or Password.
- [NEW] Support for EWP via Knox Enrollment. You can now find new JSON Data for EWP Enrollment in the console
- [NEW] Adjusted the width of some text fields for the configuration of the Secure Browser
- [NEW] Added an App Picker to the selection of Allowed Packages in the Kisok Modes Configuration
- [NEW] Option to disallow Screen Capture for Android Enterprise Work Profiles
- [NEW] “Enforce Verify Apps” has been added to AE Container
- [NEW] APN Configuration for fully managed AE devices has been added
- [NEW] Wi-Fi Network can now be included in the enrollment QR Code
- [NEW] Added Software Build Number to Asset Data
- [NEW] SCEP for Android
- [NEW] An Option to test the SCEP Configuration has been added
- [NEW] The message that appears on the device, when trying to do something that has been blocked via restrictions, can now be modified
- [NEW] New Enterprise App Store
- [NEW] Sorting Option has been added for the Homescreen Icons in Multi App Kiosk Mode
- [NEW] “App Control” can now be allowed/disallowed for EWP devices
- [NEW] Multiple Lock Screen Features have been added to the restrictions.
- [NEW] Added Support for Enhanced Work Profile (EWP) via Zero Touch.
- [NEW] “Disallow Adding Google Account” has been added to Work Profiles.
- [NEW] Added an Option to control the Download Limit for failed or repeated APK Downloads.
- [NEW] Added OAuth Setting to GMail Configuration in the PIM Management.
- [NEW] Added an Option to show or hide the Notification dot for an App when using the AppTec Launcher and/or Multi App Kiosk Mode.
- [NEW] Added an option to remove a Client Certificate from GMail Configuration.
- [NEW] WireGuard VPN has been added
- [NEW] An Option to test the SCEP Configuration has been added
- [FIX] Under certain circumstances Placeholders did not get replaced correctly in App Configuration
- [FIX] APNS Certificate Setup prevented you from proceeding if you did not enter the same Apple ID as the one you used before.
- [FIX] Versions of an uploaded IPA, which is not the Update Target can now be distributed correctly.
- [FIX] For new Profiles/Devices the GPS Tracking option was enabled in the console but disabled in the actual profile. The Switch now always shows the correct status. This does not change the state of already existing profiles. To fix this, you simply have to change the option once and save.
- [FIX] Some Settings in General Settings -> App Management -> App Settings – iOS were greyed out and could not be changed.
- [NEW] Added WinGet Support to the InHouse App DB
- [NEW] Added settings for desktop personalisation (e.g. wallpaper)
- [NEW] Installed Root CA Certificates now show up in the installed certificates
- [NEW] Added Telemetry Configurations
- [NEW] Improved Settings, Description and Functionality of WIP
- [NEW] Support for distributing and running Powershell Script
- [NEW] Dynamic visual Feedback has been added to the BitLocker Status.
- [NEW] Added many Improvements to Windows Management, Explanations, Functions, etc.
- [NEW] Added dependencies and supersedence to Win32 Packages. Packages defined as supersedence will be uninstalled before installing the chosen package. Packages defined as dependencies will be instaled before the installing the chosen package.
- [NEW] Custom Config, which allows you to upload your own mobileconfig, is now available
- [NEW] Added WebClip Functionality
- [NEW] Added Privacy Preferences
- [NEW] Added System Extensions Configuration
- [NEW] Added Kernel Extensions Configuration
- [NEW] Added Proxy Configuration
- [NEW] Added Energysaving Options
- [NEW] Added Configuration of the Login Screen
- [NEW] Added Account Configuration for the following Account Types: LDAP, Exchange, Email, Calendar, Contact
- [NEW] Added Option to install fonts
- [NEW] Added Time Server Configuration
- [NEW] Added Printer Configuration
- [NEW] Added Backup Server Configuration
- [NEW] Added Restrictions for Device Policies
- [NEW] MacOS profiles are now split into device and user channel as it is expected by the OS. This should also resolve some issues with very specific configurations in the MacOS profile
- [FIX] MacOS InHouse Apps can now be uploaded properly again
Version 202239
Note: This update is currently only available for machines that are still on Debian 9.
- [FIX] Depending on certain circumstance the Debian Upgrade did fail with the previous version.
To Update, simply click on the Upgrade Script on the Desktop.
EMM Management Console:
- [FIX] The Enterprise App Store was not working correctly after upgrading to Debian 11.
- [FIX] The password of the servermanager got cleared when saving. Because of that you had to enter the password every time when going through the appliance configuration.
Version 202225
- [NEW] Support for Debian 11 has been added.
Note: Please install the Update 202239 before running the Debian Upgrade. Otherwise it will not work.
Universal Gateway:
Go to General Settings -> Universal Gateway to install the update
- [NEW] Updated the Operating System to Debian 11
- [NEW] Increased minimum TLS Version to 1.2
EMM Management Console:
- [NEW] Added more information to the “Delete Device” dialogue to avoid confusion.
- [NEW] When deleting a whole group, you will now get an overview of affected users and devices with the option to move selected users or devices somewhere else instead of deleting them.
- [NEW] GPS View added to group.
- [NEW] OTP 2FA has been added. You can now use 2FA via an Authenticator App (e.g. Google Authenticator).
- [NEW] Added new user and device placeholders.
- [NEW] You can now check for updates and update the Universal Gateway directly through the console.
- [NEW] You are now able to download a profile summary on group and device level.
- [NEW] The Intermediate Certificate of the Universal Gateway is now checked and validated when saving the configuration to prevent a wrong or incomplete certificate chain.
- [NEW] Changed, fixed and added Text and Translation.
- [NEW] Device Assignment dropdown now also shows groups.
- [FIX] Certificates could not be uploaded when the password contained certain special characters.
- [FIX] Restoring a device discards every open command for it.
- [FIX] Restoring a device into a group did not work as expected.
- [NEW] Added Factory Reset Protection for fully managed Android Enterprise profiles.
- [NEW] Disallow Screen Capture has been added to the restrictions.
- [NEW] Disallow Adding Google Accounts has been added to the restrictions.
- [NEW] Update Behavior of Android Enterprise Apps can now be controlled.
- [NEW] Knox Enrollment options have been extended to include auto assign options and contain new JSON data. Should you have used any other JSON Data or URL, make sure to use the data shown in the console after the update, otherwise the enrollment may fail.
- [NEW] Added “Keep System Apps” to the Zero Touch Configuration
- [FIX] Removed the app search for legacy Android Profiles and in white-/blacklisting and replaced it with a new method of choosing apps. You now have to connect a google account to the console in General Settings and use the Android Enterprise section in General Settings -> App Management to approve apps. Once an app is approved, it can be added to the mandatory apps for legacy Android Profiles.
- [FIX] When copying Android Profiles to Android Enterprise, Sys App Restrictions did not get removed correctly from the profile. Note: This only prevents certain problems from occuring when copying after the update. This does not correct already copied profiles.
- [FIX] Under certain circumstances package names could not be added to the kiosk mode.
- [FIX] Quick App Administration did not sent commands correctly to Android Enterprise.
- [FIX] Problems preventing the device setup with the Knox Enrollment and Zero Touch have been fixed. IMPORTANT: If you have received a Link to a workaround APK from our support, change this link back to default or select AppTec360 from the dropdown in your Knox Enrollment Profile.
- [FIX] In some cases some apps did not get blocked when using whitelist and/or intelligent system app blocking (requires Client Version 20222521 or above).
- [NEW] Added WPA3 as Security Type in the WiFi configuration.
- [NEW] Device Settings have been moved to a different location.
- [NEW] Added Pasteboard access protection for User Enrollment (BYOD) profiles.
- [NEW] License Assignment of VPP Apps is now shown in the group profile when using App Bundles.
- [FIX] In rare cases the console did not accept a freshly generated or renewed APNS certificate with the error, that it is expired.
- [FIX] Description of ‘Automatic OS Updates’ in iOS profiles has been changed to better reflect how this option works.
- [FIX] The Sync with Apple School Manager has been reworked to make the behavior more transparent and give admins more control.
- [FIX] In some cases changes to iOS group profiles did not get saved correctly.
- [FIX] Some IPA files could not be uploaded correctly.
- [FIX] Under certain circumstances DEP devices got duplicated.
- [NEW] Win32 Apps and their configuration (install command, requirements, etc) can now be ex- and imported.
- [NEW] Windows Store support has been added to the app management.
- [NEW] PIM Configuration now supports the Universal Gateway
- [FIX] Several minor issues have been fixed.
- [FIX] Display of installed drives and their free space has been improved.
Version 202150
EMM Management Console:
- [NEW] Enrollment Date has been added to the Asset Data and can be viewed in the reporting.
- [NEW] You can now download a list of all Settings/Restrictions of a group or device profile as PDF.
- [NEW] Extended Notifications in console and via mail has been added for APNS, DEP, VPP and Cloud Storage.
- [NEW] Rollout Management has been added.
- [NEW] You can now force a user to change its password on the next login.
- [NEW] You can now select multiple devices in the reporting and move all these to a group of your choice.
- [NEW] You can now no longer send an enrollment request as long as the device is green in the console.
- [FIX] Some Texts and Translations have been adjusted.
- [FIX] Some entries which were not shown correctly in the Command Log have been corrected.
- [FIX] Certificates for the Universal Gateway will now be correctly checked before saving them.
- [FIX] If the contact person, company name or similar has been changed in the license, this change was not correctly reflected in the Account Information in the console.
- [FIX] Quick App Administration did not load VPP Apps correctly.
- [FIX] Quick App Administration did not show the correct App Selector for Android Enterprise.
- [FIX] Restoring a device from the recycle bin does not send an unenrollment anymore.
- [NEW] Device Overview now shows the version of the AppTec360 App.
- [FIX] You can now control the permissions for In-House Apps. This is only possible on Samsung devices.
- [NEW] Support for iOS Custom Configs has been added.
- [NEW] Notification settings for apps can now be configured.
- [NEW] You can now select and distribute In-House Apps which are not the update target. This allows you to provide different app versions of your In-House Apps for different groups/devices
- [NEW] OnDemand for AppTec360 VPN has been added.
- [NEW] You can now managed the Homescreen Layout.
- [FIX] Local Identifier in IKEv2 configuration is no longer defined as a mandatory field.
- [FIX] If you deleted the Managed Configuration on device level, the Managed Configuration of the group profile will now be shown and used.
- [FIX] The Enterprise App Store did not trigger install commands.
- [NEW] Information regarding the Win32 App Installation has been added to the Device Log.
- [NEW] Improved Log Messages in the Device Log.
- [NEW] The total capacity of all Storage will now be shown.
- [NEW] Kiosk Mode for Windows 10 has been added.
- [NEW] Support for Windows Information Protection (WIP) has been added.
Version 202145
EMM Management Console:
- [NEW] Add feedback for win32 deployment in device log.
- [FIX] Some changes in the last update caused the device log to be displayed twice.
- [FIX] In some cases Universal Gateway users where not correctly authenticated by the console.
- [FIX] An active IP Filter could cause an issue for the update logic.
Version 202141
EMM Management Console:
- [NEW] Reporting has been reworked. You are now able to modify the reporting more individually, for example add and remove columns.
- [NEW] Subscription Management has been added. Similar to the SIM Card Management, you can now document your subscriptions and contracts in the MDM, to have all the information in one place.
- [NEW] Multiple minor changes to the UI.
- [NEW] A new color theme for the console has been added. This can be changed if you click on your mail address in top right and go to “Console Settings”.
- [NEW] New icons for the device/user tree has been added.
- [NEW] Audit Log has been added. You are now able to get a more detailed information about all your past changes to device or group profiles.
- [NEW] Every mandatory field is now marked with a red “*”.
- [NEW] Entries in the command log are marked with different colors depending on their status.
- [NEW] New customizable Dashboard has been added.
- [NEW] Recycle Bin has been added. You are now able to recover deleted devices.
- [NEW] Multiple Improvements to LDAP Sync have been made
- [NEW] Added multiple features to LDAP Sync to better control the sync behavior
- [NEW] Added Certificate Management to general settings to get an overview over all your certificates, independent from operating systems
- [NEW] Quick App Administration now supports Windows 10, MacOS and Android Enterprise Devices
- [NEW] Added a search field in to “Add App” Dialogues
- [NEW] Reworked InHouse App removal so you have more control on what happens when deleting an InHouse App
- [NEW] “Can Login” is now enabled automatically upon giving a user a password or a role.
- [NEW] Added a comment field for groups and group profiles.
- [NEW] Added a full dark mode.
- [NEW] Device Log is reloaded automatically whenever something changes.
- [NEW] App Bundles has been added to General Settings -> App Bundles. This lets you define a big group of Apps which all can be added with one click to a group or device profile.
- [NEW] A search function has been added to some restriction lists which contain many restriction.
- [NEW] Mass Role Assignment has been added. This allows you to add roles to multiple users or a whole group. This will also allow then to login and send them a mail with instructions on how to login and to set a password.
- [NEW] LDAP Automatic Sync.
- [FIX] In rare cases, not required data was not removed, causing the database to increase in size. This has not only been fixed, it will also clean up affected databases and reduce their size.
- [FIX] The self service roll should be able to see its own user and devices. This was not working as intended and instead this role was not able to see anything.
- [FIX] When importing a CSV to the Sim Card Management in which a user has more than one Sim Card, only the first got imported.
- [FIX] In certain cases attachments in the bug report did not get sent correctly
- [FIX] When adding external storage to the contentbox, the icon to remove it did not show correctly
- [FIX] Multiple Improvements and Fixes have been performed for the Dashboard and Reporting
- [FIX] Multiple minor fixes and improvements to the console have been made
- [FIX] In some cases the last known location of a device in the device overview were incorrect.
- [FIX] Some text and translations have been fixed.
- [FIX] In some cases the compliance report was empty.
- [NEW] Added Sorting and Filtering to Auto Enrollment List
- [NEW] Certificate Management has been added for Android
- [NEW] Ad-Hoc GPS has been added for Android
- [NEW] Added samsung game launcher to the sysapp restrictions.
- [NEW] Added an option to the AE QR Code to provision with cellular networks instead of Wi-Fi.
- [NEW] Added Kernel Version and Patch Level to the Asset Management.
- [NEW] Support for Enhanced Work Profile has been added. This is for company owned devices with a business container if the device is allowed for private use. It is comparable with the previous known COPE mode. Requires Android 11+. Create a new device and select “Android Enterprise” as OS and “BYOD” as Device Type to enroll the device with Enhanced Work Profile.
- [NEW] Factory Reset Protection has been added. This allows you to define or change the google account which is used on the device for the FRP. This can be done in General Settings -> Android Configuration -> Android Enterprise. Be sure to read the explanations very carefully. It is recommended to do this for Enhanced Work Profile devices or for fully managed devices where a google account is or can be used. Requires Version 20214112 or higher of the AppTec Client.
- [FIX] App settings from the group profile were not displayed correctly on device.
- [FIX] When trying to install normal Play Store Apps via Enterprise App Store the Play Store showed an error and you were not able to install the app
- [FIX] Remote Control were not displayed in the profile which prevented you from setting up Splashtop.
- [NEW] Certificate Management has been moved to its own section.
- [NEW] Changed how some SysApp Restrictions are displayed.
- [NEW] Support for Apple School Manager has been added.
- [NEW] VPP License Assignment has been improved
- [NEW] Added support for Apple Classroom.
- [NEW] QR Code Scanner has been added to sysapp restrictions.
- [NEW] You are now able to set the timezone of the device.
- [NEW] Restriction has been added to allow or prevent the use of the “Private Relay”.
- [NEW] VPN connection can now be configured for User Enrollment / BYOD Devices.
- [NEW] Threema has been added to PIM Management.
- [FIX] Uploading a VPP token which has no app caused an error.
- [FIX] In some cases after removing a Wallpaper it was not possible to upload one again
- [FIX] App settings could not be set for apps which are not available in the configured app store region of the console.
- [FIX] In rare cases app settings were not saved correctly.
- [FIX] Fixed a Bug which asked for an app when configuring URL kiosk mode.
- [FIX] Some Restrictions which required the supervised mode were not displayed correctly on Safari.
- [NEW] DEP support has been added. Devices can now be enrolled using DEP.
- [NEW] Certificate Management for Windows has been added.
- [NEW] Per-App VPN Lockdown has been added.
- [NEW] SCEP has been added to the certificate management.
- [NEW] Improved the status display of app installation.
- [NEW] New Options for Wi-Fi Configuration have been added
- [NEW] Support for Win32 Package (.exe) has been added.
- [FIX] In some cases mandatory apps were not removced correctly from the device after removing them from the mandatory app list.
- [FIX] When using certain special characters in the Wi-Fi Configuration the Configuration did not work properly on the device
- [FIX] Fixed a Bug regarding dependencies of UWP Apps.
Version 202110
EMM Management Console:
- [NEW] Let’s Encrypt Support has been added. You can now select to use this in step 2 instead of uploading your own certificate. This will renew itself automatically.
- [NEW] Black- and Whitelisting can now be set for each profile instead of setting it globally for the whole system. This can now be found in the app management in the profile. In addition the visual design of the Black- and Whitelist has been overhauled.
- [NEW] Devices in any device pool can now be deleted.
- [NEW] Several texts and translations have been improved.
- [NEW] Multiple minor changes to the UI.
- [FIX] In some cases, when using the Universal Gateway in combination with placeholders, the placeholder did not get resolved properly.
- [FIX] In most cases, the unmanaged devices list of the Universal Gateway had entries without an ID. These entries will now be removed automatically.
- [FIX] Improved the login site for mobile devices.
- [FIX] In some views, where the numbers of the devices are displayed, the count did not match the real count of the devices. This should now be correct in every view.
- [SECURITY-FIX] Security update (Please perform the update for the virtual appliance in a timely manner!)
- [NEW] You can now get logs from Android devices directly in the console via the right click or the wheel menu.
- [NEW] iFrames for the managed play store has been added. You no longer need to open a new tab to approve apps for android enterprise. Simply go to general settings -> app management -> AE play store. This also overhauls the way you can add layouts for the playstore.
- [NEW] The above mentioned iFrames also allow you to easily upload your own apps to the store and distribute your apps via the google play store.
- [NEW] The above mentioned iFrames also allow you to create your own web apps which can be distributed to the devices.
- [NEW] A client certificate can now be distributed when using gmail.
- [FIX] In certain scenarios, the migration of devices resulted in a wrong device type.
- [FIX] Contentbox on Android 10 or higher did not work correctly.
- [FIX] Having more than 100 apps approved for android enterprise caused the console to only show 100 of them.
- [NEW] Shared iPad has been added. To use this feature, enable it in general settings -> apple configuration. Afterwards create a new DEP profile and enable Shared iPad. DEP devices which have this new profile assigned will be created as shared iPad. Shared iPads use a new group profile.
- [NEW] If you’ve configured a SCEP configuration, you can now reference this in your wifi settings, so the device will get its certificate from this specified SCEP server.
- [FIX] In most cases you were not able to set a managed configuration while adding the App. You first had to add the app and click on it again.
- [FIX] Multiple adjustments have been made to VPP and the license assignment.
- [NEW] Bitlocker Encryption will now be performed silently.
Version 202048
EMM Management Console:
- [NEW] Improved version check for Universal Gateway. In some cases the version display “Gateway seems offline” even though it was online and the console just encountered an issue when reading the version which was missleading.
- [NEW] The login information email can be fully disabled in the console settings now.
- [NEW] Windows 10, MacOS, iOS BYOD added to reporting data and charts, where they were previously missing.
- [NEW] New API calls added to our REST API. See for more:
- [FIX] Multiple minor issues in the Role Based Access have been fixed (missing permissions, not properly working permissions, duplicates, etc).
- [FIX] Fixed a scenario where you could configure kiosk mode without setting a kiosk app.
- [FIX] Displaying Gateway logs in the console did not work in every menu.
- [FIX] Universal Gateway: Using “unmanaged devices” broke the connectivity for managed devices.
- [NEW] New “COPE” Mode has been added which combines the Android Enterprise Device Owner Mode (aka fully managed) and the Android Enterprise Container. You can either create a device directly as COPE device or activate COPE on already enrolled Android Enterprise Device Owner Mode devices*
There is not new group profile for this. Instead the device is using the Container profile for the container and the Work Managed profile for the device as a whole.
*COPE can only be activated if the device in the console has the “Android Enterprise” OS Type. - [NEW] Migrating “Android” devices to “Android Enterprise” devices is now possible. See:
- [NEW] You can now copy “Android” Group Profiles to “Android Enterprise” Group Profiles.
- [NEW] Support for Splashtop Remote Control has been added.
- [NEW] According to the mentioned changes above, we added an information to all “Android” devices using Android Enterprise since it is recommended to use “Android Enterprise” in the console if the physical device is configured with Android Enterprise.
- [NEW] You can now prevent the user from changing the time settings entirely. Previously, if you set automatic time, users could change the time which was corrected automatically after a short time. Anyhow some apps had problems with the certain time change which is why this option has been added.
- [FIX] If Ikarus was used with a license file in the past, the console displayed old information after changing to license code.
- [FIX] Knox Enrollment now creates the device as “Android Enterprise” device instead of “Android”.
- [NEW] OAuth for Exchange can now be activated.
- [NEW] MAC Address Randomization can now be disabled for a Wi-Fi configured via MDM. Requires iOS 14 or higher.
- [FIX] You can now configure Wi-Fi without setting a Proxy if using german language for the console.
- [FIX] You can now change some VPP config without uploading the Token again which previously required a re-upload.
- [FIX] In some cases you were not able to delete your APNS certificate properly.
- [FIX] You can now create an enrollment request with non-Root Roles.
- [FIX] Kerberos Exchange Configuration did not work in some cases if using iOS BYOD.
Version 202038
EMM Management Console:
- [NEW] Two-Factor Authentication has been added
- [NEW] Login Log has been added which logs successful and failed logins including the used browser and IP
- [NEW] By default you will get a mail if someone logged in to your account
- [NEW] Server Update info icon – a new small icon has been added to the top right, which informs you about new updates
- [NEW] Extended the current command log
- [NEW] Some VPP Actions are now hidden if no VPP is configured
- [NEW] Reintroduced repush option for Android mandatory apps
- [NEW] Don’t show actions that are not possible on unenrolled devices
- [NEW] Language fixes and updates
- [NEW] The new AppTec Logo has been added to the console
- [FIX] Masking of password in Certificate upload field was missing
- [FIX] Device and user links from reporting weren’t working
- [FIX] Dashboard wasn’t loading in some cases
- [FIX] Config download in Step 1 of appliance config wasn’t working
- [FIX] SimCard Mangement: Empty CSV file when exporting
- [FIX] For MacOS the last unlock PIN wasn’t shown correctly
- [FIX] In rare cases and depending on the used browser, the pie charts in the reporting were Black some times. They should now use the correct color all the time.
- [FIX] Old “ghost” apps couldn’t be removed from applists
- [FIX] In the App Configuration for Samsung Mail the “+” Button for adding a new account did not work correctly
- [FIX] Ikarus settings did not save correctly in some situations.
- [FIX] Several problems regarding Android 10 have been fixed, which could cause connection problems.
- [NEW] iOS enrollment is now blocked when no APNS is set up
- [NEW] The used VPP Mode can now be set for each VPP Token individually. This allows you to use a token with Device Mode for all your corporate device and an additional Token in User Mode for your User Enrollment (BYOD) devices.
- [FIX] Single Sign On-Account couldn’t be saved
- [FIX] Provisioning profile update fixed
- [FIX] “Prevent Backup of app data” was disabled by default
- [FIX] VPN OnDemand was not available for L2TP
- [FIX] The renewal of the VPP Token did not work as expected in some cases.
Windows PC:
- [FIX] Fixed Deletion of Whitelist/Blacklist apps
Version 202015
New UI Design:
- The design now scales with the width of your browser/screen.
- You can now rightclick devices, groups and users in the tree on the left.
- You can now change the color scheme of the UI if you click on your mail on the top right and change the console settings.
- A lot of view will update automatically whenever a device finished a command to instantly reflect some changes (e.g. last seen status).
- Drag’n’Drop should now be much smoother and more responsive for a lot of users.
- Every view should now be a lot more responsive and faster for most of the users.
- And many other little details got improved.
EMM Management Console:
- [NEW] The phone number is now displayed in the reports.
- [NEW] New translations added.
- [FIX] Some text errors have been fixed.
- [NEW] Support for Android Zero-Touch Enrollment has been added.
- [NEW] Added support for the latest Ikarus version, using a license key.
- [NEW] The QR Code for Android Enterprise Enrollment now uses the new device type.
- [NEW] In-App Whitelisting has been added to the Secure Browser.
- [NEW] Android for Work has been renamed to Android Enterprise.
- [FIX] Fixed display errors for app icons in the Playstore search.
- [FIX] Connecting your google account to the console for android enterprise was not working correctly due to some changes from google. This has been adjusted to work again.
- [NEW] User Enrollment has been added. Please note that the option to add apps via VPP in device mode will come in the next update.
- [FIX] The option “Allow opening from managed to unmanaged” could not be changed in some scenarios. This has been fixed.
- [FIX] Some app settings were not correctly applied after migration from Ubuntu. This has been fixed.
- [FIX] Certificate distribution with an Exchange account or Wifi configuration did not work correctly. This has been fixed.
Windows 10 PC:
- [NEW] Firewall can now be configured.
- [NEW] Bitlocker can now be configured.
- [NEW] Apptec VPN via Universal Gateway can now be used under Windows 10.
Version 201948
(please note that all updates after version 201848 are available only for the Debian Appliance:
EMM Management Console:
- [NEW] The last opened view will now be rememberd and reopened when you login in again.
- [NEW] Added more options to the mail templates.
- [FIX] When using the Universal Gateway for mail configuration, in some cases the username was not set correctly on the device. This has been fixed.
- [NEW] Support for the Apptec VPN has been added.
- [NEW] Semiautomatic APNS certificate creation has been added.
- [FIX] APN Legacy was not working correctly in some cases. This has been fixed.
- [FIX] Certificate Authentication with mail profiles did not work properly in most cases. This has been fixed.
- [FIX] When using Per-App VPN not every VPN method was displayed correctly. This has been fixed.
- [FIX] Some restrictions were not displayed correctly. This has been fixed.
- [FIX] System App Restrictions did not work properly in rare cases. This has been fixed.
- [FIX] Added missing Appstore Countries.
- [FIX] When setting passcode restrictions, some values were not set correctly. This has been fixed.
Version 201942/201941
Since version 201942 and 201941 are both small Hotfixes and have been released almost simultaneously, the changelogs have been combined into one single changelog)
(please note that all updates after version 201848 are available only for the Debian Appliance:
EMM Management Console:
- [NEW] Implemented some improvements for Chrome users.
- [FIX] Fixed some text and translation.
- [FIX] In certain cases pushing android devices did not work, this has been fixed.
- [FIX] In very rare cases the installed apps list was not displayed correctly.
- [NEW] Extended the lifetime of a single push to 100 days, so devices will receive a push even after being offline for 100 days.
- [FIX] Activating certain supervised settings caused push problems, this has been fixed.
Older Versions
EMM Management Console:
- [NEW] The design of the On/Off switches has been renewed.
- [FIX] If the SSL port was not 443, requests were not correctly forwarded to port 80. These are now forwarded to the configured SSL port.
- [FIX] In some scenarios, external storage could not be added to the content box (e.g. FTP). This was fixed.
- [FIX] In many cases the external appliance configuration was not reachable although it was configured correctly. This now works again.
- [FIX] Under certain circumstances the server manager could not be reached on multi-client systems. This was fixed.
- [FIX] GPS positions were correctly transmitted by the devices but not displayed. This was fixed.
- [FIX] In rare cases, old GPS positions were not deleted as expected as soon as they were older than 30 days. This now works again as expected.
- [NEW] The information “Last Push” has been added to Android devices.
- [FIX] Due to major changes made by Google to the Playstore, Playstore apps were not displayed and added correctly. This also added broken entries to the list. Searching and adding apps now works again. Also all corrupt entries were removed automatically.
- [FIX] InHouse Apps could not be distributed via Enterprise App Store in many cases. This was fixed.
- [NEW] Some settings need supervised mode since iOS 13. The affected settings are now marked accordingly. Hint: Devices which were rolled in before the update to iOS 13 are not affected.
- [FIX] OpenVPN profiles were always incorrectly stored as OnDemand VPN on the end device. This was fixed.
Virtual Appliance:
- [NEW] The Virtual Appliance has been upgraded to Debian 9. To upgrade to the most recent version, download the machine again using the download links you received with your licenses. On the new machine, in the Appliance Configuration use “Appliance Import” at the top to import your data to the new machine. For more details, questions or in case of any problems with this, contact our support team!
- The communication with the devices has been rewritten to improve performance, stability and security.
- [NEW] The appliance configuration page is from now on protected with a password. IMPORTANT: write down that password or safe it in a password manager. Should you loose this, access can only be restored by resetting all data.
- [NEW] The appliance configuration page now shows a hint at the top should you have made changes that are not applied yet.
- [NEW] The mail configuration in Step 3 of the appliance configuration now needs a validation code, sent to you by using these credentials. This prevents entering credentials that are wrong or not working in general.
- [NEW] The appliance configuration has been translated and is now available in german.
- [NEW] All of the components of the server (Apache, MySQL, etc) has been updated
- [FIX] The maximum upload size in Step 3 of the appliance configuration can now be set to every desired value (prior to this change it was limited to 64MB).
EMM Management Console:
- [NEW] Should you enroll a device while it is selected in the console, it will become green immediately after the enrolment has been completed. No need to reload or anything!
- [NEW] Some parts have been made more responsive. The status bar at the top now always displays the correct live status and app lists get updated automatically without the need of a reload.
- [NEW] “Advanced Configuration has been added to the Gateway Configuration. With this you can now set the max headersize.
- [NEW] “Command Log” in the “Device Log” Tab has been added. This shows which command has been sent to the device and if it was successful. If it failed, it will show additional information, if possible.
[NEW] The Pie Chart of the dashboard has been recolored. - [NEW] Some of the tables (e.g. installed App list) have been resized to work better with the highest console width.
- [NEW] After creating a device the values for operating system, device typ and ownership will be saved and applied for the next device, giving you the ability to add devices much more efficient.
- [NEW] Global Configuration has been extended with more templates.
- [NEW] Changed the way the appliance uses to contact the mail server to avoid conflicts with some mail server settings.
- [NEW] The enterprise appstore has been re-worked for iOS and Android and now features a search function.
- [NEW] The enrollment mail will now contain the QR Code for Android and iOS.
- [NEW] Improved the caching of app icons for every app list which should decrease loading time after the first time.
- [FIX] In rare cases, it happened that a button got switched to from On to Off or vice versa without displaying it correctly until saving. This got completely fixed.
- [FIX] Under certain circumstances it took much longer than expected to load a group when clicked on it. This has been fixed.
- [FIX] Some apps that should have an Icon with transparency had a black background. This has been fixed.
- [FIX] Whenever a device, group or user got deleted, it was still selected. Now after deleting one of these will automatically select an element above the deleted one.
- [NEW] License Management for Ikarus has been added in General Settings -> App Management -> Third Party Apps.
- [NEW] Implemented different methods to block splitscreen and picture in picture while kiosk mode is active.
- [NEW] URL Kiosk Mode now properly shows that a page is currently loading. Prior to this, this happened in the background without a visual feedback.
- [NEW] Text fields in the android clients have been adjusted so passwords (e.g. uninstall password) are hidden and e-mail fields are recognized as such.
- [NEW] “Android for Work” has been added as operating system. Creating a device using this operating system will hide every setting which is not required.
- [NEW] QR Code Enrollment is now possible with native android enrollment.
- [NEW] You can now reset the password with a custom password.
- [NEW] The “+” button in the installed apps list has beend removed. The recommended way to add apps that should be installed is using the mandatory app list. Due to confusion and problems caused by the “+” button, we decided to remove it.
- [NEW] Changed the wording from Samsung SAFE to Samsung KNOX since Samsung also switched to this terminology.
- [NEW] Samsung KNOX functions can now be used in Android for Work Device Owner Mode
- [NEW] Changed the system which is used to push devices to resolve push issues on some Android 9 devices.
- [FIX] A few apps have special characters in their name. This caused the insalled apps list to be empty. This has been fixed.
- [FIX] In rare cases inHouse apps got not installed on the devices. This has been fixed.
- [FIX] Fixed a bug in the URL kiosk mode where the original URL got loaded whenever the screen orientation changed.
- [FIX] In URL Kiosk Mode: On certain devices, when the kiosk exit popup got closed without entering the exit password, it was impossible to get the popup again without restarting the device. This has been fixed.
- [FIX] Exiting the kiosk by using a password and resuming it via the apptec client resulted in the kiosk mode not being activaed correctly. Therefore non-kiosk apps could be opened.
- [FIX] Whenever the AfW App Store contained more than 50 apps, every app got removed. This has been fixed.
- [FIX] Group Profiles for AfW Devices could not be copied. This has been fixed.
- [FIX] Under certain circumstances, AfW devices were not pushed correctly. This works now in every case and with every device.
- [FIX] The biometric authentication option for AfW devices has been removed by accident. This feature is now back!
- [FIX] There was an issue that prevented setting a background on android. This now works again as intended.
- [FIX] Play Store Search did not work due to changes by google. This has been adjusted so the app search works again as expected.
- [NEW] Overhauled the whole system to get VPP licenses which will make the process much faster and more stable, especially for higher amounts of licenses.
- [NEW] The Built-In Security Container can now be customized to allow screenshots and other functions.
- [NEW] Improved they way the enrollment got processed if you add the device to the MDM and to DEP using the Apple Configurator 2. This also avoids the creation of 2 identical devices which occured in rare cases while using this method.
- [NEW] New “Skip” options has been added to the DEP profile to match the latest iOS versions.
- [NEW] The bypass code for the activationlock can now be shown in the console and used to manually remove the activationlock.
- [NEW] You can now enter a bundle identifier to the Black- or Whitelist.
- [NEW] Activity App has been added to the Sys App Restrictions.
- [NEW] The “+” button in the managed apps list has beend removed. The recommended way to add apps that should be installed is using the mandatory app list. Due to confusion and problems caused by the “+” button, we decided to remove it.
- [FIX] Due to changes of Apple, the device log did not display every error correctly. This has now been fixed.
- [FIX] Different fixes for VPP have been implemented. Now the license assignment should be reliable as before.
- [FIX] In certain cases app settings from group profiles were not applied correctly. This now works in every scenario.
Windows 10 PC:
- [NEW] Added support for big UWP (appx & appxbundle) and MSI apps.
- [NEW] You are now able to remove some architectures (e.g. ARM) from bundles since this can cause problems on devices not matching this architecture.
- [NEW] “Wipe Device” has been added.
- [NEW] Full support for Windows 10 Version 1809 has been added
- [NEW] Adjusted the UI for upload of UWP (appx & appxbundle) and MSI apps.
EMM Management Console:
- [NEW] TeamViewer Support for iOS and Android has been added! You can now easily remote access your devices!
- [NEW] You can now set an Alias for your VPP token.
- [NEW] REST API has been added to get the GPS information via our REST API. This is currently limited to GPS information and will be enhanced in the future.
- [NEW] The navigation tree containing the users, groups and devices has been improved to make it more responsive, especially while using drag’n’drop.
- [NEW] An extended search functionality has been added. You can now easily search for many different attributes.
- [NEW] Overhauled the android password restriction form.
- [NEW] You can now add comments to every single device to add any information you want to a device (e.g. at which date it was bought)
- [NEW] The installed Apps list of Windows 10 PC now contains every installed, regardless of its installation type. (Before that change, the list were split into different categories for InHouse, Store and System Apps)
- [NEW] Reworked the configuration tab of AfW apps that are using sections to better represent these sections (e.g. Samsung Mail)
- [FIX] Under certain conditions, settings could not be saved correctly in the connection management. This has been fixed completely.
- [FIX] In extremely rare cases it could happen that the system did not properly synchronize with the VPP service. This has been fixed completely.
- [FIX] In the Outlook configuration for iOS, the placeholder were not working correctly. This has been fixed.
- [FIX] Depending on your enrollment method, custom Roles were not able to edit, move or delete devices in the device pool. This has been fixed.
- [FIX] Due to changes made by google, the android app search was not working correctly. This has been fixed.
- [NEW] “Allow Bluetooth Sharing” implemented for Android for Work. This allows you to access your contacts if your device is connected to your car.
- [NEW] You can now configure a timeout for the policy violation action for Android for Work.
- [NEW] Minor improvements have been made to the kiosk mode.
- [FIX] On certain devices, which do not have an IMEI, auto enrollment did not work properly under certain conditions. This has now been fixed.
- [NEW] The new version of the Cisco Anyconnect app is now supported too! Besides that, the Legacy app can still be configured.
- [NEW] The new version of the OpenVPN App is now supported.
- [NEW] iOS Update can now be delayed for up to 90 days
- [NEW] If you had to accept changed Terms and Conditions for your DEP account, the sync was not working. We now implemented a warning for that if this is the case.
- [FIX] Fixed a bug that caused the exchange profile to loose the password if a changed PIM profile was pushed.
- [FIX] In rare cases, certificates were not pushed correctly to the device. This has been fixed.
Windows 10 PC:
- [NEW] You can now uninstall apps
- [NEW] You can now install apps via the mandatory apps list (Appx, Appxbundle and MSI)
EMM Management Console:
- Some Icons have been replaced (e.g.: SecurePIM)
- Style improvements has been implemented that make certain tabs more visible (e.g. the sources for an app installation)
- The profile you are currently editing will always be displayed at the left side.
- Selecting a group profile now shows which groups are affected by this profile
- The Enrollment page for iOS and MacOS has been improved and now shows improved notification if, for example, no APNS certificate has been found
- Several improvements to increase the performance has been implemented
- A Problem has been fixed that caused playstore apps to not be displayed correctly in the console
- A Problem has been fixed that caused the appstore to be empty
- Automatic OS Update is now possible without DEP but in this case requires iOS 10.3 and supervised mode
- The VPP App List will now be sorted alphabetically
- A Hint has been added if the Enterprise Appstore is not displayed because Javascript is deactivated
- You will be warned that disabling Javascript will end up in a not working Enterprise Appstore
- Under certain circumstances mandatory app installation has not begun right after the enrollment. This is now fixed.
- If an app-configuration contained integer the configuration was not applied correctly. This has been fixed.
- Files App has been added to the sys app restrictions.
- “Outlook” has been added to BYOD
- App Management has been added. This contains Installed Apps and Mandatory Apps (In-House and VPP)
Windows 10 PC:
- App Management has been added. This contains Installed Apps, Black-/Whitelisting and Sys App Restrictions
EMM Management Console:
- Implemented many additional security features.
- Fixed a bug that made it possible to edit a Super Root without being Super Root.
- Fixed an issue that caused certain pages under android profiles to crash or load indefinitely (e.g. Mandatory App List, PIM Management)