
No interception of data?

Anyone working in the home office now should always keep an eye on Mobile Device Management. According to Sahin Tugcular, CEO of Apptec GmbH, an automated VPN solution makes sense here to avoid data interception.

Sahin Tugcular, Geschäftsführer der Apptec GmbH

„Companies should make sure that the MDM solution meets all their requirements,” said Sahin Tugcular of Apptec.

MOB: Mr. Tugcular, to what extent has the current corona crisis brought the issue of Mobile Device Management (MDM) into focus?
Sahin Tugcular: The corona crisis has led to many employees having to work from the home office. As a result, MDM has become more and more important for companies, since corporate devices now have to be managed remotely. The reason for this is that IT staff no longer have physical access to the devices, which means that if a problem arises, the devices must be accessed remotely. Another important aspect is that some MDM providers, like us, also offer a VPN solution, which provides automated and secure access to the internal company network, for example to access internal information.

MOB: To what extent have German companies actually taken MDM into account in the context of their home office regulations, some of which were introduced hastily?
Tugcular: The demand for our MDM solution from companies in Germany has increased significantly. In particular, the management of company laptops and the establishment of a VPN connection was an important part of the demand.

MOB: What are concrete dangers if there was/is sloppiness?
Tugcular: On the administrative side, it would be a danger if, for example, a problem arose with the company equipment and the IT managers could not access the devices to eliminate the problem. Another danger is the connection to the company network. Here it is very important to create a secure connection to the company network automatically. For this purpose, an automated VPN solution would be useful to avoid the interception of data.

MOB: How much effort and what stumbling blocks does a sensible MDM implementation entail for companies in times of crisis like the current one?
Tugcular: I can answer this question from experience with our software. With our MDM software, the effort required for implementation is very low because in the on-premise version we provide the software pre-installed in the OVA, which means that setup is very fast. In the cloud version, customers only need to create an account and can start immediately. The setup and configuration can be done in a few hours.

MOB: What should companies look for when selecting an appropriate MDM expert/provider?
Tugcular: Companies should make sure that the MDM solution meets all their requirements. In addition, the location of the provider’s servers is very important for security reasons for customers who have the software hosted in the cloud. Furthermore, a German-language console as well as German-language third-level support would be an advantage.

From: Lea Sommerhäuser


### This text was automatically translated from the original German text. ###

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