
Unduh Server VA

Unduh Alat Virtual EMM

Untuk meminta Alat Virtual di lokasi gratis, silakan isi formulir di bawah ini.

Petunjuk: Klik di sini untuk menguji versi Cloud dari Enterprise Mobile Manager selama 30 hari gratis tanpa pengaturan:

Catatan: Diperlukan waktu hingga 24 jam untuk mengirimkan Virtual Appliance & License Key.

Hanya perusahaan yang dapat menerima lisensi. Dukungan Teknis gratis hanya tersedia selama 30 hari pertama setelah pembuatan lisensi.

Dukungan Teknis tidak termasuk Penyiapan/Pemasangan Alat.

    Note : This is the Hostname the devices will use to connect to the machine.

    Note: This is NOT a support form. This form is only used to request a new Appliance License. If you just need the license key again, the URL of the license changed or your have any other a question, use the normal support ways./

    I hereby agree that my data will be processed by AppTec for license creation. For more information, see our privacy terms Fields marked with * are mandatory.

    Error in the form, please fill the required fields

    Error in the form, Please agree to the terms and conditions.

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    Kantor Pusat

    AppTec GmbH
    Freie Strasse 32
    CH-4001 Basel
    Telepon: +41 (0) 61 511 32 10
    Faks: +41 (0) 61 511 32 19


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